Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dead or Alive

Author's Note: This piece is on cause and effect on the book Haven is for Real. 

Sometimes when you think you have had a bad nightmare, it turns out that it is actually happening in real life. I’m four  years old and my family and I find out the hard way that my appendix exploded. It all started out with the stomach flu. The cause and effect in the book Haven is for Real is about an astounding story of how Colton visits heaven and comes back.

The cause in the book Heaven is for Real is that Colton and his family finds out unexpectedly that Colton’s appendix exploded. Before they had found this out Colton and his family were at the Crawl-A-See-Um and there was a tarantula that people could hold. Colton held it and after a little while he got sick and his family thought it was the stomach flu. They were wrong. It turned out that his appendix had exploded and that it had to be cleaned out right away.

The effect of the book is while Colton is getting his appendix cleaned out he goes to heaven he saw Jesus and his horse that no one could ride but Jesus. Also when he was in heaven he got to meet his great grandpa that his dad was really close too. After a while Colton figures out that he has another sister and when he later tells his parents they were shocked that he had met the girl since she died in his mom’s stomach. When he was up in heaven he was only there for three minutes but in heaven a day is like one thousand years.

If the event would of never happened Colton would have had to learn all the things he learned in heaven either at church or from his mom and dad. In the book it said that his parents weren’t going to tell Colton about them losing the baby till he got older. When he would of got older he probably would of found out all this stuff.

After a while Colton and his family have been thanking God and Jesus for being so lucky that Colton came back to life. Colton’s dad gets called into the hall when they were at the hospital and the nurse tells him that we were so lucky because they thought Colton died. This book  Heaven is for Real is a great story of how Colton’s family is very lucky. 

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