Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Young and Old

Author's Note: I wrote my District essay on text analysis of "A clean, well lighted place."  

When we get older like the man in “A  Clean, well lighted place” By Ernest Hemingway is a short story for how the older you get and the lonelier you get you want to stay at places longer since you have no one to talk to anymore. The old man in this story doesn't like his life and he tries to kill himself but his niece stopped him.

When the old man in the film sat in the dark area of the café it made the old man seem like he didn't want to talk to anyone or he was just depressed. Why I think this is because normally when people are happy they sit in the sun of were there’s light and when people are upset of depressed  and lonely like the old man in the story he decided to sit in the dark shaded area.

Therefore the old man wanted to stay longer at the café and didn't want to go because he was lonely. Meanwhile the young waiter wanted the old man to leave but the old waiter didn't mind the old man still at the café because he was lonely and didn't want to go home either. When the younger waiter made the old man leave the younger waiter sooner after that went home to his wife and the older waiter went to the bar.

Meanwhile if we were going to see the different point of view in the young waiter and the old waiter they are clearly different. For instinct the younger waiter was getting really mad that the old man was still at the café and it was almost closing time. Meanwhile when the young waiter is all upset the old waiter is actually liking the old man there for a longer time. Since the both waiters are different it makes the story seem more interesting.

This short story  “ A Clean, well lighted place” by Hemingway  lessons are learned. For example, that nobody is the same in their actions or the way they speak. The younger you are and the older you get you become interested in different things.

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